IRST (TUİÇ) Round Table Meetings -‘’Let’s Debate Democracy!’’-

The Association of International Relations Studies of Turkey organizes “round table meetings” which will enhance the participation of students and academicians to the current debates and to discuss the issues in the light of theoretical knowledge.

The first step of the meetings will focus on the concept of democracy.

Democracy is really challenging concept in the sense that there is no certain definition of democracy. This uncertainty stems from the existence of different kinds of democracies in the world.

The recent uprisings in the world actually show that people demand “democracy” but how can we define the concept of democracy and what people expects from “democracy”?

We try to evaluate the concept of democracy by discussing it in a broader context.

Students from different cities and countries will discuss the democracy and academicians will lead these discussion sessions. The meetings will be held in Istanbul and Sarajevo.

Maximum 30 researchers or students will be accepted to the meeting.

Please fill in the application form


Meeting Program

1. Meeting

Topic: Conceptual, Theoretical and Critical Approaches to Democracy

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Metin BOŞNAK/ International University of Sarajevo

Location: Bosnia-Herzegovina- Sarajevo/ International University of Sarajevo

G.14 Amphitheater No.1

Date: 27.11.2013

Time: 10.00-12.00

Meeting Language: English

Contact: Aida Cengic

[email protected]

061/ 365- 310


2. Meeting

Topic: Democracy Journey of Turkey. “Democratic Consent” in the perspective of Ruler and Ruled

Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşen CANDAŞ/Bogazici University

Location: Istanbul/ Bogaziçi University

South Campus/ John Freely Hall

Date: 29.11.2013

Time: 17.30-19.30

Meeting Language: Turkish

Contact: Özlem Tunçel

[email protected]

0535 592 77 55

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